Real Estate
Buying, selling, or developing real estate involves a number of financial and legal risks. Young & Young Attorneys protect clients from assuming unwanted liability by reviewing contract terms and conditions pertaining to financing, environmental issues, property conditions, and means for the repair of a breach of contract. Alerting you to what you may be liable for if financing falls through, construction is delayed or damage is discovered after the sale of a home is essential if your interests are to be protected.
The sale or purchase of a home or small business is typically the largest single financial transaction ever entered into by the average person. Common sense dictates the wisdom of hiring a lawyer to create and/or review the necessary documents to ensure that everyone’s expectations are satisfied and that the transaction is handled properly.
We diligently and professionally provide the highest quality of service available to represent buyers and sellers in all varieties of residential and commercial transactions. We are also available to provide title insurance through Conestoga Title Insurance Company for all of our real estate transactions.
We handle both commercial and residential real estate matters including the buying and selling of property, drafting agreements, reviewing contracts, and checking title and other encumbrances to the property. Often our clients are working with aggressive timeframes and need the help of a lawyer to work on their real estate issues in a very expeditious manner. We understand that time is usually of the essence in these transactions and work hard to make sure that things are done correctly the first time.